A downloadable Demake

Hopefully a full remake of Deltarune Chapter 1 playable on Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance consoles, this project is VERY early in development and most likely wont be finished, BUT I am working hard on it and my current goal is to release a demo once I get to the first Dark World.

Check out this other demake of Deltarune! I found it soon after starting my own and it has been a huge inspiration on this project: https://rainbomb-productions.itch.io/deltarune89

Also check out this Undertale demake: https://github.com/Undertale-GB/Undertale-GB/wiki. The people behind it were kind enough to invite me to use some things they've made. I haven't been able to use anything yet but that's mainly because its not done yet and I'm waiting till the assets I need are finished before implementing them.

Development log


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very epic